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Kamala Harris Survey
Michigan United Action endorses Kamala Harris for President

Michigan united action calls for open senate debate after mackinac policy conference cancelation

In response to the cancelation of the U.S. Senate candidate debate on Mackinac Island, Ken Whittaker, Executive Director at Michigan United Action, issued the following statement:

"We’re deeply concerned about the erosion of democratic principles when leading candidates avoid open debate. By refusing to engage in this critical forum, they undermine the very foundation of our electoral process. This avoidance not only disrespects the voters' right to an informed choice, but also allows our democracy to be hijacked by sound bites and social media posturing.

“Open debate is an essential pillar of accountability and transparency. It's the key to ensuring that voters have the information they need to make an informed decision. Anything less is a disservice to the people of Michigan.

“We call upon all candidates to engage in open debates to uphold the principles of democracy, transparency, and public accountability. Let’s ensure that every voice is heard and every candidate is held accountable through open, honest, and robust debate."

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