Elections & Election Defense


Our mission is clear: to cultivate a political landscape where elected officials are accountable to the people they serve, not beholden to special interests or big money donors. We believe in a government that works for all, not just the wealthy few.

Through our community-centered endorsement process, we empower grassroots organizations and everyday citizens to have a direct say in shaping the future of our political leadership. By amplifying the voices of marginalized communities and advocating for candidates who champion progressive ideals, we strive to build a more just and equitable society.

From hosting candidate forums to mobilizing voters and supporting community-led initiatives, we are your go-to resource for taking action and making a difference in the democratic process. Join us in the fight for a government that truly represents the people, and together, let's build a brighter future for all.


Michigan United Action is dedicated to safeguarding the integrity of our electoral process. In an era where democracy faces unprecedented challenges, we stand as a bulwark against threats to free and fair elections.

We are committed to ensuring that every vote is counted and every voice is heard. Through vigilant monitoring, rapid response, strategic advocacy, and grassroots mobilization, we work tirelessly to protect against voter suppression and intimidation, election interference, and other attacks on our democratic principles.

From advocating for comprehensive election integrity measures to combating voter suppression tactics, our mission is clear: to foster a free, fair and safe electoral system and ensure the rights of all citizens to participate in the democratic process.

Join us in our mission to safeguard democracy, protect the vote, and build a future where elections truly reflect the will of the people. Together, we can defend the cornerstone of our democracy and ensure that our elections remain free, fair, and transparent for generations to come.

To get involved, contact kmason@miunited.org.

Ready to Do Something Now?

Join one of our projects!

Join "Taking Back our Power" and take a stand against money in Michigan politics

We are a coalition of working families in Michigan fighting to pass comprehensive state legislation to prevent regulated monopoly corporations and companies seeking government contracts from making political contributions. We can no longer let them buy their way out of accountability and drown out the voice of the people!

Join "Care Over Cost" and help us get people the healthcare coverage promised by their insurers

In Michigan and all across the country, our members are fighting individual care denials and are WINNING people the care they need--and paid fo! Together, we are working to transform our health care system to put Care Over Cost and people over profit.

Become a Relational Organizer

Relational organizing is defined as “preparing & supporting people to bring the power within their existing relationships to affect change.” In actuality is it turning a contact into a conversation and then into a person empowered to create change where they live.

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